Meditate - God Good Works

God Good Works

 "I know about your suffering and your poverty--but you are rich! I know the blasphemy of those opposing you. They say they are Jews, but they are not, because their synagogue belongs to Satan." (Revelation 2:9 NLT)

                       One of the most important things we must learn to do is differentiate between the works of God and the works of Satan. Too often we question God concerning a situation that he did not bring about. Forgetting that even though God did not bring about that situation, he can produce good out of it. Quickly forgetting how powerful God is, and giving power to Satan because of the attention his works draws.  Take the time today and meditate on how good God has been to you.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. " (Ephesians 1:3 NIV)


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